BTS Releases April 2014 North American Freight Numbers

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BTS 31-14 Advisory
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Contact: Dave Smallen
Tel: 202-366-5568 

BTS Releases April 2014 North American Freight Numbers 

Two of five transportation modes – pipeline and trucks – carried more U.S.-NAFTA trade in April 2014 than in April 2013 as U.S.-NAFTA trade rose to $100.1 billion, according to the TransBorder freight data released today by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). 

            The increases came in two modes that combined carry more than two-thirds of total U.S.-NAFTA trade. Trucks, at 60.3 percent of the April trade, and pipeline, at 8.6 percent, carried a total of 69.0 percent of the trade.  

A 4.2 percent increase in imports by truck offset a 2.5 percent decline in exports from year-to-year. Imports from Canada and Mexico both increased while exports by truck on each of the borders decreased. An increase in both imports and exports by pipeline across the Canadian border pushed pipeline’s share of total trade to 8.6 percent from 6.8 percent in April 2013. 

            The April 2014 trade total was a 1.2 percent increase from April 2013. U.S.-NAFTA trade has increased from the same month of the previous year in nine of the last 10 months, interrupted by a 0.2 percent decrease in January. The January decline reflected the severe weather in the northern states and along the U.S.-Canada border.  

Trade by Mode

            In April, commodities moving by pipeline grew the most of any mode, 27.8 percent.

Truck freight increased 0.7 percent, rail declined 1.8 percent followed by declines in air at 3.1 and vessel at 13.2. The increase in the value of freight carried by pipelines reflects both a rise in the volume and prices for oil and other petroleum products, the primary commodity transported by pipelines. 

Trucks carry three-fifths of U.S.-NAFTA trade and are the most heavily utilized mode for moving goods to and from both U.S.-NAFTA partners. Trucks carried 60.3 percent of U.S.-NAFTA trade in April 2014, accounting for $30.6 billion of exports and $29.8 billion of imports.  

Although the value of freight carried by rail decreased from year to year, rail remained the second largest mode moving 14.7 percent of all U.S.-NAFTA trade, followed by pipeline at 8.6 percent, vessel at 7.9 percent and air at 3.7 percent. The surface transportation modes of truck, rail and pipeline carried 83.7 percent of the total U.S.-NAFTA freight flows. 

See BTS Transborder Data Release for summary tables and additional data. See North American Transborder Freight Data  on the BTS website for additional data for surface modes since 1995 and all modes since 2004.           


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BTS Releases 1st Quarter 2014 Airline Financial Data

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BTS 30-14
Monday, June 23, 2014
Contact: Dave Smallen
Tel: 202-366-5568  

BTS Releases 1st Quarter 2014 Airline Financial Data 

U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported a net profit of $507 million in the first quarter of 2014, down from a profit of $7.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2013 and up from a loss of $392 million in the first quarter of 2013, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today. 

The 27 U.S. scheduled service airlines reported an after-tax net profit for the fourth consecutive quarter.

In addition to the after-tax net profit based on net income reports, the scheduled service passenger airlines reported a $1.7 billion pre-tax operating profit in the first quarter of 2014, down from $2.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2013 and up from $589 million in the first quarter of 2013. The airlines reported a pre-tax operating profit - as a group - for the 13th consecutive quarter. 


Net income or loss, and operating profit or loss, are two different measures of airline financial performance. Net income or loss may include non-operating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes. Operating profit or loss is calculated from operating revenues and expenses before taxes and other nonrecurring items.

Total operating revenue for all U.S. passenger airlines in the January-to-March first-quarter of 2014 was $38.5 billion. Airlines collected $28.7 billion from fares, 74.7 percent of total first-quarter operating revenue.

Total operating expenses for all passenger airlines in the first-quarter of 2014 were $36.8 billion, of which fuel costs accounted for $10.2 billion, or 27.7 percent, and labor costs accounted for $9.7 billion, or 26.4 percent.

In the first quarter, passenger airlines collected a total of $791 million in baggage fees, 2.0 percent of total operating revenue, and $726 million from reservation change fees, 1.9 percent of total operating revenue. Fees are included for calculations of net income, operating revenue and operating profit or loss.

Baggage fees and reservation change fees are the only ancillary fees paid by passengers that are reported to BTS as separate items. Other fees, such as revenue from seating assignments and on-board sales of food, beverages, pillows, blankets, and entertainment are combined in different categories and cannot be identified separately.

See BTS Airline Financials Release for summary tables and additional data. See airline financial data press releases and the airline financial databases for historic data.


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BTS Releases April 2014 Passenger Airline Employment Data

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BTS 29-14
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Contact: Dave Smallen
Tel: 202-366-5568 

BTS Releases April 2014 Passenger Airline Employment Data 

U.S. scheduled passenger airlines employed 384,265 workers in April 2014, 1.0 percent more than in April 2013, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today. April was the fifth consecutive month that full-time equivalent (FTE) employment for U.S. scheduled passenger carriers was higher than the same month of the previous year. 

The April 2014 FTE total for scheduled passenger carriers was 3,778 more than in April 2013 and the highest monthly total since October 2012. Scheduled passenger airline categories include network, low-cost, regional and other airlines.  

The five network airlines that collectively employ two-thirds of the scheduled passenger airline FTEs reported 0.4 percent more FTEs in April 2014 than in April 2013. Alaska Airlines, US Airways, Delta Air Lines and American Airlines increased FTEs from April 2013 while United Airlines reduced FTEs. Network airlines operate a significant portion of their flights using at least one hub where connections are made for flights to down-line destinations or spoke cities. 

Of the six low-cost carriers, four - Spirit Airlines, Allegiant Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Virgin America - reported an increase in FTEs from April 2013 while two - Frontier Airlines and Southwest Airlines - reported a decline. Low-cost airlines operate under a low-cost business model, with infrastructure and aircraft operating costs below the overall industry average. 

Among the 13 regional carriers, three carriers reported reduced employment levels in April compared to the previous year: Chautauqua Airlines, Endeavor Airlines, and Envoy Air. The others reported increases. Regional carriers typically provide service from small cities, using primarily regional jets to support the network carriers’ hub and spoke systems. 

See Passenger Airline Employment press release for summary tables and additional data. Historical employment data can be found on the BTS web site.

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BTS Releases March 2014 U.S. Airline Traffic Data

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BTS 28-14
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Contact: Dave Smallen
Tel: 202-366-5568 

BTS Releases March 2014 U.S. Airline Traffic Data 


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today that U.S. airlines carried 66.4 million systemwide (domestic + international) scheduled service passengers in March 2014, 2.0 percent more than in March 2013. The systemwide total was the result of a 2.1 percent increase in the number of passengers on domestic flights (57.7 million) and a 1.7 percent increase in passengers on international flights (8.7 million). 

U.S. airlines carried 174.6 million systemwide (domestic + international) scheduled service passengers during the first three months of 2014, 1.0 percent more than during the same period in 2013. Domestically, U.S. airlines carried 151.1 million passengers, up 0.7 percent from 2013. Internationally, they carried 23.5 million passengers, up 2.8 percent from 2013. 

Load Factor 

The March 2014 systemwide load factor (83.5 percent) was down from the all-time high load factor for the month of March of 84.3 set in 2013. Systemwide capacity measured by available seat-miles (ASMs) grew faster from March 2013 to March 2014 (2.9 percent) than the growth in revenue passenger-miles (RPMs) (2.0 percent). The domestic load factor (85.5) was a record high for the month of March, topping the previous high of 85.0 recorded in 2013. Domestic RPMS grew faster from March 2013 to March 2014 (2.5 percent) than capacity (2.0 percent), resulting in the higher load factor. 

The international load factor (79.2) was down from March 2013 (82.5) and was the lowest March international load factor since 2011. International capacity rose 5.1 percent from March 2013 to March 2014, outpacing the 0.9 percent growth in RPMs, reducing the load factor. Load factor is a measure of the use of aircraft capacity that compares RPMs as a proportion of ASMs. 

Trends for the Month of March 

Systemwide: For the month of March, the 2014 systemwide passenger total was the highest since 2008. RPMs were at the highest March level, exceeding the previous high in 2008. Capacity measured in ASMs was at the second highest March level, 1.2 percent below the March 2008 all-time high. 

See Air Traffic Release for summary tables and additional data. Additional traffic data can be found on the BTS Airlines and Airports page.  Click on a link in the Quick Links box on the right.  For more historical data, see Traffic on the BTS website. 



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BTS Releases April 2014 Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI)

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BTS 27-14
June 11, 2014
Contact: Dave Smallen
Tel: 202-366-5568

BTS Releases April 2014 Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI) 

The amount of freight carried by the for-hire transportation industry rose 0.4 percent in April from March, rising for the third consecutive month, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ (BTS) Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI) released today. The April 2014 index level (117.6) was 24.1 percent above the April 2009 low during the most recent recession. 

The level of freight shipments in April measured by the seasonally-adjusted Freight TSI (117.6) was at the second highest all-time level and 0.1 percent below the all-time high level of 117.8 in November 2013 (Table 2A). BTS’ TSI records begin in 2000. 

The March index was revised to 117.1 from 116.7 in last month’s release. Smaller upward revisions were made for December and January.

 The Freight TSI measures the month-to-month changes in freight shipments by mode of transportation in tons and ton-miles, which are combined into one index. The index measures the output of the for-hire freight transportation industry and consists of data from for-hire trucking, rail, inland waterways, pipelines and air freight. 

Analysis: The April increase in the freight index was led by trucking and rail intermodal, which grew rapidly for the third month in a row. Rail carload growth slowed after fast growth in March. The freight index has now risen for three consecutive months following a bottom in January that was largely weather-related and affected the entire economy, as measured by the GDP decline in the January-to-March period. 

Trend: With three consecutive monthly increases, the index rose 3.0 percent following the weather-related low in January. In April, the index reached its second highest all-time level (117.6), almost returning to the all-time high (117.8) set in November before the winter decline. After dipping to 94.8 in April 2009, the index rose by 24.1 percent in the succeeding 60 months.  

            See Freight TSI Press Release for summary tables and additional data. See Transportation Services Index for historical data and methodology.

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