Posted by the USDOT Press Office
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#TranspoStory: Meet Gary
TEX Rail Bringing New Opportunities to Greater Fort Worth
By Acting Federal Transit Administrator Carolyn Flowers
That's exactly what community leaders are doing in Fort Worth, Texas, where we all gathered to celebrate a new federal funding agreement for the TEX Rail project, not too long ago.
National Outreach to Find Solutions to Truck Parking Shortages Continues
Posted by Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau
Did you know that truck drivers are a very necessary part of the holidays? They are the folks who make sure your grocery shelves are stocked with holiday necessities, like cookies, cakes, turkeys and potatoes. At this very moment, thousands of truckers are on the roads delivering toys, food, clothing and other essentials for our families and friends. These drivers work hard, and they need a safe place to rest as they travel. Sadly, there isn't always enough room for them.
Last year, USDOT released Jason's Law Truck Parking Survey results, which confirmed a nationwide shortage of safe truck parking. We called for transportation stakeholders to come together and find solutions, convening the first National Truck Parking Coalition in November 2015. Since then, we've held coalition meetings in Utah, Texas, Missouri and Maryland. Last week, we held our second national meeting.
USDOT Launches Innovative Infrastructure Financing Tool to Provide up to Nearly $2 Billion to Seattle Transit Projects
WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today announced that four transit projects in the Seattle area could receive up to nearly $2 billion in financing through an innovative infrastructure financing tool created by the Department of Transportation's Build America Bureau. On Thursday, the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit) and the Build America Bureau (Bureau) signed a Master Credit Agreement (MCA) – a first-of-its-kind arrangement in which the local transit authority will be able to expedite multiple loan requests under a single agreement with the federal government. The first of those loans, $615.3 million for the Northgate Link Extension, also closed today.
FHWA’s ‘Every Day Counts’ Initiative is Empowering States
Posted by Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau
At our latest Every Day Counts summit, held last Wednesday in Orlando, Fla., we extended the era of better, more cost-effective government. The MOU we signed is a symbol of the innovative partnership we are building with the Florida DOT, and serves as an important tool to give states more responsibility without sacrificing federal oversight responsibilities for the environment. In this arrangement, Florida DOT will be legally responsible for ensuring that all federally funded highway projects comply with all aspects of NEPA prior to approving any environmental documents.